DCU Expo 2023 Final Year Projects

34 24. SmartphoneMobility Assistant The SmartphoneMobility App is an Android app that functions as amobility assistant for visually impaired people. It does this by allowing the users’ smartphone camera to act as a live object detection and depth estimation system, alerting the user to any potential obstacles in their path through the use of audio feedback. Class Computer Applications Project Area Android, Computer Vision, Image/Video Processing, Mobile App, Software Development Project Technology Java, Python, Machine Learning Student Name(s) CianMullarkey  |  Conall Tully Email cian.mullarkey4@mail.dcu.ie  |  conall.tullly2@mail.dcu.ie Supervisor Dr Hossein Javidnia 25. Sonification of Astronomical Images This project involves the use of non-speech audio to represent visual information in astronomical images. The project takes an astronomical input image and uses various instruments andmusical notes along with their frequencies, duration, and velocity to represent information in the input image such as position, luminosity, and colour information. This project also uses image classification to detect stars in the input image and alter the output audio accordingly. The software is hosted on a local machine and was created using Python and relevant libraries. Class Electronic and Computer Engineering Project Area Image/Video Processing, Software Development Project Technology Python Student Name(s) Niall Toibin Email niall.toibin2@mail.dcu.ie Supervisor Prof Paul Whelan 26. Kontribute Kontribute is aWeb3 Creators platform that brings story writing and digital art collectibles together. Features include: decentralized story storage, likes, tipping, polls, NFTmarketplace and NFTminting. Class Enterprise Computing Project Area Cryptography, Web Application, Blockchain Technology Project Technology CSS, JavaScript, Nodejs, React.js, Motoko Student Name(s) Jesse Keogh  |  Greg Kelly Email jesse.keogh27@mail.dcu.ie  |  greg.kelly72@mail.dcu.ie Supervisor Dr SilvanaMacMahon