DCU Expo 2023 Final Year Projects
2 Message from the Dean Welcome to the Final Year Project booklet by the Class of 2023 at Dublin City University. It gives me great pleasure to introduce yet another wonderful publication, showcasing the incredible achievements of the talented students of the Faculty of Engineering and Computing. This booklet presents the knowledge, skills and creativity of our students, who have put countless hours of hard work, passion, and dedication into their final year projects. This booklet, however, not only embodies DCU’s philosophy of celebrating our people and their focus on meaningful learning; it also highlights the potential economic, industrial and societal impacts that the knowledge and skills underpinning these projects will have in the longer term. We are proud to present over 200 projects to future employers, industry and enterprise partners andmany others today. The diverse range of projects reflects the significant efforts and commitment of everyone involved: students, lecturers, technical and professional support teams, and enterprise partners who provide real-world experience, through INTRA placements, for our students’ benefit. At DCU, our goal is to develop well-rounded graduates who are resilient, accomplished, open-minded and innovative. The students featured in this booklet reflect this mission and we are confident that the education they have received will prepare them to lead in Computing and Engineering industries and to tackle the challenges our planet faces. As the next generation of STEM innovators, they will use their creativity for societal benefit and to shape a better world for all. Their influence will go beyond this booklet and affect industry, the economy and lives, on a national and global scale, in the future.
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