DCU Expo 2023 Final Year Projects

62 108. An Investigation into the Design Feasibility of a 3D-Printed, Biodegradable, Oesophageal Stent This project investigated the feasibility of utilising 3D-Printing as an oesophageal stent fabrication method, in which the objective of the project was to create a stent model which innovates on current stent technology. This objective was successfully completed, with a unique stent design being obtained which is stiffer and is capable of maintaining oesophageal dilation more effectively than current stents on the market, additionally being able tomaintain sufficient mechanical properties up to ten weeks after deployment. Class Biomedical Engineering (Year 5) Project Area 3-DModelling, AdditiveManufacturing, Biomedical Engineering, Finite Element Analysis, Materials Testing Project Technology ANSYSWorkbench, Solidworks Student Name(s) Thomas Gillick Email thomas.gillick2@mail.dcu.ie Supervisor Dr Garrett McGuinness 109. Building a Booking App for Irish Colleges and Companies We aim to build a booking app for colleges and small to large companies. We noticed that there are times when students, who have been using the lab computers to work on their assignments, are asked to leave the lab roombecause a class is to be held in the room soon. By using this app, students can plan their day and enjoy the uninterrupted use of the bookable item from college. During Covid, many employers hired more staff than they can accommodate in their office buildings. This has led to the rise of popularity in the hybrid work model where employees can come in 3 days a week, allowing relief in the office space. Our booking app helps to facilitate efficient office space management for these companies. Class Enterprise Computing Project Area Databases, Information Retrieval, Software Development Project Technology MongoDB, React.js Student Name(s) Sio kei Chang  |  Stanislav Bulat Email sio.chang3@mail.dcu.ie  |  stanislav.bulat2@mail.dcu.ie Supervisor Dr Cathal Gurrin 110. Post Processing of 3DPrinted Parts with regard toMechanical Properties This project investigates the effects of thermal annealing on the tensile and wear properties of PLA 3D printed parts made by Fused DepositionModelling (FDM). This was done by designing and printing appropriate test specimens to then anneal and test against unannealed parts. This work could be useful in building amaterial model for annealed PLA parts using the dimensional andmaterial strength data. Class Mechanical andManufacturing Engineering (Year 5) Project Area 3-DModelling, AdditiveManufacturing, AdvancedMaterial Engineering, Mechanical Design andManufacture, Materials Testing Project Technology ANSYSWorkbench, Excel/VB Student Name(s) Rory O’Brien Email rory.obrien53@mail.dcu.ie Supervisor Dr Nigel Kent