DCU Expo 2023 Final Year Projects
77 153. RecipeSeason This project seeks to provide a hands-free AI assistant to aid with cooking. The user can query, using their voice, recipes using our ML backend. Using an intelligent search feature we query our recipes database for the closest match then our assistant will begin to read out each instructional step for the recipe in turn. Class Computer Applications Project Area Artificial Intelligence, Databases, Speech Recognition, Web Application Project Technology CSS, HTML5, JavaScript, MySQL, Python, Machine Learning Student Name(s) MelanieManWing Lee Email melanie.lee27@mail.dcu.ie Supervisor Jane Kernan 154. An Investigation into the Effects of Thermal Cycling andOver-Compression on Gasket Seals inRelation to Elastomer Degradation andReliability in Bioprocessing This project investigates the effects of thermal cycling and over-compression on elastomer seals in bioprocessing. The study tests the validity of the ASME BPE requirements related to gasket intrusion and determines the factors leading to accelerated elastomer degradation in bioprocessing systems. Class Biomedical Engineering (Year 5) Project Area Biomedical Engineering, Materials Testing, Bioprocessing Project Technology Excel/VB, Bioprocessing Student Name(s) Tadhg Bird Email tadhg.bird4@mail.dcu.ie Supervisor Dr Paul Young 155. EndocClock This project is a device and application to aid in tracking your menstrual cycle. TThe application is subscription-based and tracks (with the aid of a temperature tracker) your different cycle phases on a colour-coded calendar. Class Enterprise Computing Project Area Databases, E-Commerce, Mobile App, Sensor Technology, Life Cycle Assessment Project Technology CSS, HTML5, MySQL, Python, Django Student Name(s) Orla O Sullivan | Keelin Lambert Email orla.osullivan23@mail.dcu.ie | keelin.lambert6@mail.dcu.ie Supervisor Dr SilvanaMacMahon
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