DCU Expo 2023 Final Year Projects
91 195. Book Scanner App This project aims to provide users with a service that makes it easier and quicker to decide if they are interested in the book they are looking at. It is an android application that allows users to see reviews and retrieve other information about a book. The user scans a book cover or book ISBN, which is then processed and the information on the book is shown to the user. The application also contains other functionalities such as user login and the ability to view previously scanned books. Class Computer Applications Project Area Android, Computer Vision, Databases, Graphics, Image/Video Processing, Information Retrieval, Mobile App, Optical Character Recognition, Software Development Project Technology Java, Python, SQLite, React.js Student Name(s) Eoghan Scanlan | Kevin Ledwith Email eoghan.scanlan6@mail.dcu.ie | kevin.ledwith2@mail.dcu.ie Supervisor Dr GrahamHealy 196. GeoGym GeoGym is an all-inclusive fitness booking platform that allows users to book classes and find the best gyms in their area whilst helping gymowners to reduce advertising costs. Our systemallows users to seamlessly book classes andmemberships without the hassle of filling out countless forms. Class Enterprise Computing Project Area Web Application Project Technology Django, Python, CSS Student Name(s) AndrewDinan | Oisin Devlin Email andrew.dinan2@mail.dcu.ie | oisin.devlin7@mail.dcu.ie Supervisor Dr SilvannaMcMahon 197. NASC NASC is an online platformwhere customers are connected with service providers. It offers customers a simplistic method of finding a service provider to compete a task. It also offers the service providers with a new opportunity to expand their client base andmarket themselves how they wish. Class Enterprise Computing Project Area Software Development, Web Application Project Technology CSS, HTML5, JavaScript, Python, Django Student Name(s) Conor Kiernan | Stephen Doheny Email conor.kiernan25@mail.dcu.ie | stephen.doheny3@mail.dcu.ie Supervisor Dr Cathal Gurrin
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