DCU Expo 2024 - Final Year Projects
32 6. Police Pursuit Assistant The project explores a proof-of-concept developed as a web application that is based on simulation featuring self-driving cars and real-world 2Dmaps for a police pursuit assistance system. The app provides various aids to the police during a pursuit scenario including path finding, visual cues and features on the map based on the scenarios the police may find themselves in during a pursuit. The application provides suggestions of potential courses of action as well as indicating other points of interest the police could take to aid their decision-making. The project aims to provide insights into the coordination and decision-making processes involved in law enforcement pursuits, offering a platform for studying and enhancing pursuit tactics in a controlled environment. Student Programme Computer Applications Project Area Artificial Intelligence, Environmental Mapping, GPS/GIS, Simulation, Software Development, Vehicle Control, Traffic Simulators, Navigation, Assistance Technology Project Technology CSS, HTML5, JavaScript, Navigation, Assistance Technology Student Name(s) StephenWalsh | Vanya Cadogan Email stephen.walsh243@mail.dcu.ie | vanya.cadogan2@mail.dcu.ie Supervisor Dr Mark Humphrys 7. Smart HomeWater FlowSensing and Control with ESPHome andHome Assistant The project focused on creating a smart water metering system capable of automatic andmanual flow rate control. A custom edge sensor was designed and integrated with Home Assistant, an open-source home automation platform running in a container on a Linux machine. The scope of work included: sensor and actuator design; network and Home Assistant configuration, programming and hosting; mechanical systemdesign; microcontroller programming on ESP32 with ESPHome; and testing. The final system featured an automated notification capability in Home Assistant to alert about potential leaks. Additionally, the project explored the application of PID controllers both on the edge device and within the Home Assistant ecosystem, leveraging other integrated sensors to regulate the water flow rate. Student Programme Mechatronic Engineering (Year 4) Project Area Automation, Embedded Systems, Internet of Things, Mechatronic Systems, Network Applications, Software Development Project Technology C/C++, Docker, Nodejs, Python, Solidworks, Home Assistant, ESPHome Student Name(s) Adelin Denis Diac Email denis.diac2@mail.dcu.ie Supervisor Prof DerekMolloy 8. Pic-a-Bric Pic-a-Bric is amobile application designed to share real-time information about a LEGO store’s Pick-a- Brick wall inventory through community contributions. The app enables LEGO enthusiasts to locate their favourite LEGO bricks in nearby stores and includes additional social features. Its modernly designed user interface allows users to search for information on the Pick-a-Brick wall of the LEGO store they wish to visit, based on location, store name, brick type, andmore. Users can also easily share photos and brick details about the Pick-a-BrickWall on the app. Student Programme Computer Applications Project Area Cloud Computing, Databases, Filesystems, Instant Messaging, Mobile App, Software Development Project Technology Docker, Python, REST, SQL, Flask, React Native, TypeScript Student Name(s) ZiboWu | Tuomas Bazzan Email zi.wu6@mail.dcu.ie | tuomas.bazzan2@mail.dcu.ie Supervisor Dr GrahamHealy
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