DCU Expo 2024 - Final Year Projects

42 36. Drive Pulse DrivePulse is an application built for young adults who are looking for a cheaper alternative to black box car insurance. DrivePulse will capture data while you drive, gathering your driver behaviour by checking different aspects of your journey i.e. how fast you’re driving or if you press on the break suddenly. DrivePulse includes the following; amaps feature, driver behaviour which will tell you what occurred while you drove, and driver scorewhichwill analyse everything you did during your journey resulting in a score. We hope that the driving scorewill be able to reduce the new insurance price once they’re renewing their policy. DrivePulse includes a fully functional UI that is user-friendly, allowing for an easy and effective user experience. Student Programme Enterprise Computing Project Area Android, GPS/GIS, Mobile App Project Technology Kotlin Student Name(s) AdamGeorge Tantas  |  James Davis Email adam.tantas2@mail.dcu.ie   |   james.davis8@mail.dcu.ie Supervisor Dr Dongyun Nie 37. The Effect of Angle on Adhesive Peel Testing An analysis of adhesive peel testingmechanics focusing predominantly on the effects that arise from peeling at different angles. The project consists of different materials with different properties that produce varied results throughout the peel test. The project includes an examination into the test rig built for peel testing on the ZwickRoell tensile testingmachine along with its potential improvements and it also includes the use of tensile testing to aid with the understanding of the materials involved. The project aims to create a deeper understanding of peel testing and how to obtain accurate and reproducible results and potentially open the possibilities of testing adhesive tapes and bandages at different angles. Student Programme Biomedical Engineering (Year 4) Project Area Biomedical Engineering, Materials Testing Project Technology Excel/VB, Solidworks Student Name(s) Jake Clarke Email jake.clarke56@mail.dcu.ie Supervisor Dr Garrett McGuinness 38. VoiceBridge VoiceBridge is a web app designed tomake students’ lives easier. Students will have the ability to log in to the app and upload recorded lectures to the web app. Students can also record live audio if they choose to. After submitting their video/audio file, students will get the transcription to text in seconds, and then they will be prompted with the option to summarise it. In the end, they can also decide whether to give feedback or not. Based on the feedback, the response can be regenerated or not. Student Programme Computer Applications Project Area Artificial Intelligence, Databases, Image/Video Processing, Information Retrieval, Software Development, Speech Recognition, Web Application Project Technology CSS, HTML5, JavaScript, Python, SQL, React.js, Flask, Firebase. Student Name(s) Mohamad Sheikh Sharaf  |  Robert Andrei Popa Email mohamad.sheikhsharaf2@mail.dcu.ie  |   robert.popa2@mail.dcu.ie Supervisor Dr AlessandraMileo