DCU Expo 2024 - Final Year Projects

68 114. Visualising and Analysing Global Market Trends This project presents a user-friendly web application enabling users to access real-time stock data for prominent indices like the FTSE 100, NASDAQ 100, and ISEQ. Through dynamic charts, users gain insights into stock performance, facilitating informed decision-making. The platformprioritises ease of use, catering to users of all skill levels. With up-to-date information and intuitive design, this app serves as a valuable tool for monitoring and analysing stock movements. Student Programme Computer Applications Project Area Cloud Computing, Databases, Distributed Systems, Software Development, Web Application Project Technology JavaScript, NoSQL, Nodejs, React.js, AWS-CDK Student Name(s) David Jusev Email davidjusev@gmail.com Supervisor Dr AndrewMccarren 115. ElderTalk ElderTalk is a web application designed to simplify communication for the elderly as well as connect them with qualified carers. The app provides an easy-to-use UI, with minimal touch interaction, large objects (text, buttons, keyboard, etc) and intuitive object grouping, which allows elderly users to easily call and text family and friends. They also have an easy-to-read calendar and constant access to an emergency safety button. Carers will be able to use the app to expand their client base and offer their services (e.g. experience with caring for those with dementia) via the app and edit and set reminders for their elderly clients via the calendar feature in the app. Student Programme Enterprise Computing Project Area Web Application Project Technology CSS, HTML5, JavaScript, Python, SQLite, Django Student Name(s) Ryan Dempster  |  Victor Chen Email ryan.dempster2@mail.dcu.ie   |   victor.chen3@mail.dcu.ie Supervisor Dr Hyowon Lee 116. Prospector - Provisioning of Containers and VMs Prospector is an application to create andmanage containers and virtual machines for developers. It offers users the ability to deploy, scale and network between their containers with ease. With an intuitive UI and a simple-to-understand CLI, Prospector caters for new and power users alike. It can be deployed on a cluster of any size, providing a cloud-like experience to end users and offering useful management tools to administrators with insights andmetrics. In summary, Prospector offers simple and fast access to virtual machines and container runtime, ensuring users can focus on developing their applications. Student Programme Computer Applications Project Area Cloud Computing, Distributed Systems, Filesystems, Network Applications, Web Application Project Technology AngularJS, Docker, Go, REST, Nomad, Typescript, QEMU Student Name(s) James Hackett  |  Alexandru Dorofte Email james.hackett5@mail.dcu.ie   |   alexandru.dorofte2@mail.dcu.ie Supervisor Dr Stephen Blott