DCU Expo 2024 - Final Year Projects

93 189. Life Cycle Assessment of Energy Retrofit Measures in Irish Residential Buildings This project analyses the impacts of retrofit measures on the energy consumption and carbon emissions of a building over its entire life span, and not only during the operational phase. To achieve this, a baseline model reflecting a typical dwelling in the Irish housing stock was generated in DesignBuilder. This model was then the foundation for simulating the operational effects of common retrofitting scenarios. In addition to this, the embodied impacts of these scenarios were simulated through the integration of OneClick with DesignBuilder, to ensure a holistic evaluation. The results of each simulation were then recorded and presented using a combination of Excel and PowerBI. Student Programme Mechanical andManufacturing Engineering (Year 5) Project Area Data Analytics, Energy Conservation, Simulation, Life Cycle Assessment, Environmental Engineering Project Technology Excel/VB, DesignBuilder, EnergyPlus, PowerBI Student Name(s) Mark Colclough Email mark.colclough2@mail.dcu.ie Supervisor Dr Reihaneh Aghamolaei 190. InterpreTalk InterpreTalk is a web application designed for people to video chat with live transcription and translation features. Using automatic speech recognition andmachine translation technology, the application can translate speech to various other languages in real-time, allowing users who speak different languages to easily communicate with each other without a language barrier. In addition, InterpreTalk stores the conversation transcripts in a database, allowing users to view themat any time. Users can also find specific transcripts based on phrases or key terms through a built-in search feature and create AI- generated summaries of their calls. Student Programme Computer Applications Project Area Artificial Intelligence, Information Retrieval, Natural Language Processing, Speech Recognition Project Technology CSS, HTML5, JavaScript, NoSQL, Nodejs, Python Student Name(s) Benjamin Olojo  |  PrzemyslawMajda Email benjamin.olojo2@mail.dcu.ie   |   przemyslaw.majda2@mail.dcu.ie Supervisor Dr GrahamHealy 191. HumanMachine Interface: InteractiveWall This project aims to create an InteractiveWall featuring a HumanMachine Interface (HMI) specifically for individuals facingmotor damage challenges. The design prioritises approachability and accessibility, catering to the unique needs of users navigating rehabilitation. Embracing the concept of gamification and exergames, the InteractiveWall turns the rehabilitation process into a captivating experience. Its adaptable software not only enables real-time feedback and progress tracking but also showcases a modular design that can easily be resized to accommodate the preferences and requirements of any individual. Whether expanding or reducing in size, the InteractiveWall ensures a flexible and personalised approach to cater to the diverse needs of users undergoingmotor rehabilitation. Student Programme Mechatronic Engineering (Year 4) Project Area 3-DModelling, Arduino, Device Design, Gaming, Mechanical Design and Manufacture, Human-Computer Interaction, Rehabilitation Engineering Project Technology C/C++ Student Name(s) Vladislav Jolondcovschi Email jolondcovschi.vladislav2@mail.dcu.ie Supervisor Dr Leah Ridgway