DCU Expo 2024 - Final Year Projects
95 195. Virtual Reality Colonoscopy Using Three.js This project focuses on developing a virtual colonoscopy tool that leverages Three.js and VR technology. It begins by taking CT scan data and applying Python algorithms to construct a 3Dmodel of a patient’s colon. An internal flight path is then calculated, enablingmedical professionals to conduct a thorough virtual inspection. The Three.js framework brings this model to life in an interactive VR environment, providing a user-friendly interface for specialists to navigate and assess the colon for polyps and other anomalies. This diagnostic approach aims to increase the effectiveness of colonoscopies while making the procedure less invasive for patients. Student Programme Electronic and Computer Engineering (Year 4) Project Area 3-DModelling, Virtual Reality, Web Application Project Technology CSS, HTML5, JavaScript, Python, Three.js Student Name(s) Simon Kelly Email simon.kelly292@mail.dcu.ie Supervisor Dr Robert Sadleir 196. Boundless Learning In a constantly changing world, we are using technology more andmore each day, especially in education. Our project aims to bring together Virtual Reality (VR) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to improve students’ learning experiences, making it something they look forward to and can get an uncompromised college experience nomatter where they are in the world. We want to introduce a newway for students to learn that adds to what they already have at college. We plan to use VR headsets to put students into virtual classrooms where they can attend lectures, access notes, and check class schedules. With the added incorporation of Artificial Intelligence to help benefit the students’ learning experiences and take remote learning to new levels. Student Programme Computer Applications Project Area 3-DModelling, Android, Artificial Intelligence, Educational, Information Retrieval, Natural Language Processing, Social Networking, Speech Recognition, Virtual Reality, Wearable_Technology Project Technology C#, C/C++, Python, Unity, Shell Student Name(s) Thomas Moriarty | Yiming Fu Email thomas.moriarty6@mail.dcu.ie Supervisor Dr Paul Clarke 197. WiserWasteSolutions - InventoryManagement for Perishable Products that Incorporates Data Analytics to ReduceWaste and Promote Sustainability Goals WiserWasteSolutions is a web application that optimises inventory management for perishable products in supermarkets and small convenience stores. Through data analytics, our dashboard provides insightful performance metrics from food retailers’ waste logs. Employees can scan an order ID code, which will then release the products into the inventory system. These products are monitored, with the systemflagging items approaching expiration dates. The application alerts users to replenish store shelves when necessary. If excess products are expected, the system suggests coordinating with local food banks to distribute surplus products, which therefore maximises profits and sustainability efforts. Student Programme Enterprise Computing Project Area Automation, Data Analytics, Software Development, Web Application, InventoryManagement Project Technology CSS, HTML5, JQuery, JavaScript, Python, SQLite, Django Student Name(s) Gavin Taylor | Bartosz Szyjka Email gavin.taylor7@mail.dcu.ie | bartosz.szyjka2@mail.dcu.ie Supervisor Dr Dongyun Nie
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