GMIT - Foróige’s Third Level Mentoring
2 Next Steps How to apply? Students that are interested in signing up for Foróige’s 3rd Level Mentoring should contact the GMIT Connect office at . A member of our team will then contact you with more information about the programme and send you a link to the online sign-up form here . What Next? Once you have completed the application form a staff member from Foróige will be in contact to guide you through the next step. A short interview will be scheduled which helps us get to know you, your interests and how the mentoring programme can support you. We use the information from this interview to match you up with a mentor that suits your personality and has similar interests. Students are then invited to take part in a training session where we cover what is expected of both Mentors and Mentees. This is a group session and lays out the rules and boundaries and answer any questions you might have. After completing training, you will be matched up with your mentor and a first meeting will be arranged and supervised by a dedicated programme officer. Once you get to know each other you can arrange a date for the next meeting and stay in contact via email. Support Sometimes starting a new challenge in life can be overwhelming and that’s where your Mentor comes in. They are only a quick email away and are happy to listen and offer support when times are tough. There are also dedicated staff members from Foróige and the GMIT Connect office who will check in on your match and make sure everything is running smoothly. If you ever had any questions or concerns you can reach out to us in confidence. We are here to help and make sure you are feeling heard and supported throughout your time with the mentoring programme.
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