Irish Baroque Orchestra - Strategic Plan 2021-2025 - Reimagining Our Culture

2025 OUTCOME A meaningful relationship is developed between the IBO and its growing Irish audiences, with new followers attracted to the group from overseas. PRIORITY INITIATIVES As a national institution ▶ Engage with all four provinces annually to underscore our commitment to regional audiences. ▶ Form a relationship with a regular concert venue outside of Dublin. ▶ Increase our presence in Cork as Ireland’s second city. ▶ Continue to develop long-standing relationships with regional festivals such as Ardee Baroque Festival and the Sligo Festival of Baroque Music. As an orchestra for all ▶ Commit to an Equalities, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) audit encompassing all areas of the organisation, seeking to identify and remove barriers to access and participation. ▶ Produce a high-end platform for the organisation’s digital output to maximise the impact of IBO’s content and its reach. ▶ Expand engagement with the 25-34 audience demographic through increased online output, and use of Instagram and podcasting to target this age range. Student ticketing offers are to be disseminated via national third-level institutions and the Irish Association of Youth Orchestras. ▶ Bring audiences on the journey from manuscript to music, through podcasts and radio/TV features highlighting the research element of the IBO’s work. ▶ Develop new audiences, generating interest through practical education programming aimed at adult string players. ▶ Expand the IBO’s digital offering with a range of broadcast performances online and enriching contextual content. As an ambassador for Ireland’s cultural scene ▶ Implement a step-change in our international reach by securing performances at European festivals, concert series and venues. ▶ Establish relationships with promoters/agents in the US as the foundation for a future tour. ▶ Build on the existing relationship with Culture Ireland as a potential facilitator of the IBO’s international ambitions. IRISH BAROQUE ORCHESTRA REIMAGINING OUR CULTURE STRATEGIC PLAN 2021-2025 13