Irish Baroque Orchestra - Strategic Plan 2021-2025 - Reimagining Our Culture
2025 OUTCOME The IBO is better equipped to deal with future challenges with an increase in financial resilience resulting from a broader funding base, and having established a Development Fund to support its strategic growth. The organisation is future-proofed against unforeseen circumstances through growth of reserves. PRIORITY INITIATIVES As an attractive and rewarding prospect for sponsors ▶ Continue developing privately-funded programmes. As an orchestra in the ascendant ▶ Continue to responsibly invest in marketing and PR to expand the orchestra’s profile. ▶ Leverage the potential in the IBO’s expanding profile to generate a greater level of support through philanthropic donations. As a future-proof organisation ▶ Establish an IBO Development Fund to support strategic capital projects, distinctly separate from our operational finances. IRISH BAROQUE ORCHESTRA REIMAGINING OUR CULTURE STRATEGIC PLAN 2021-2025 MIRIAM KACZOR 16
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