Irish Baroque Orchestra - Strategic Plan 2021-2025 - Reimagining Our Culture

5. ORGANISATION AND GOVERNANCE OBJECTIVE Maintain and further develop high standards of excellence in governance and management to match the organisation’s development. CONTEXT There are currently five Directors on the IBO’s Board combining expertise in the fields of accountancy, PR, recording production, digital humanities, law and history. The IBO Board adopted a new governance manual in October 2020, which is available online at, and it operates in line with the guidance laid out by the Charities Regulator, the Arts Council and standards of best practice internationally. The IBO’s management structure comprises a full-time CEO and a part-time, freelance Orchestra Manager/Education and Participation Officer. The Board of Directors provides excellent governance and connects members with specific mission-driven projects which reflect their interests and areas of expertise, cultivating a sense of belonging and ownership. IRISH BAROQUE ORCHESTRA REIMAGINING OUR CULTURE STRATEGIC PLAN 2021-2025 SARAH MCMAHON 17