
Technical excellence We have a reputation for technical excellence, earned by always meeting or exceeding our SLA targets of 99.99% uptime for mission-critical services and applications. High availability mission-critical systems Operating the national registry for the .ie namespace requires the highest levels of security, stability and resilience of networks and infrastructure. Our Technical Services team manages and maintains the registry’s high availability systems, mission- critical services and infrastructure in accordance with international best practices. Managing the database of .ie domains Our Technical Services team manages and maintains the national registry of .ie domain names. This database is the authoritative record of who has the “right to use” a particular .ie domain name. The database is updated, in real time, for changes requested by Registrars, acting on the instructions of their domain holder customers. Registrars’ APIs can submit requests 24/7/365, so database uptime and resilience is of critical national importance. Service provided The .IE Technical Services team provides a range of services which underpin the .ie namespace, which is a critical part of Ireland’s national Internet infrastructure. These services are important for every business, individual, community or government agency which uses the .ie Internet address, and include: ▶ Operating the national domain name system (DNS) for Ireland. ▶ Managing and maintaining the database of .ie domain names. ▶ Providing the WHOIS directory and online lookup service. ▶ Running the zone file update process, 12 times every day. ▶ Implementing and promoting Internet security and standards. ▶ Providing the DNSSEC infrastructure, for increased protection of domains. ▶ Providing a domain locking service, to protect valuable .ie brands. ▶ Adopting policies that proactively deal with technical abuse which uses the DNS. ▶ Working with partners who share our passion for cybersecurity. World-class platform 2023 was the third full year of operation of our domain registry management platform, which we licensed and customised during 2020, in partnership with the Canadian registry. Codenamed TITAN , it provides our Registrars with powerful and flexible domain management tools as well as a modern, user- friendly interface. It uses the Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP standard) and has industry best in class functionality and flexibility. Standardisation of processes has future-proofed the core Registry platform. It has a Console for Registrars, a Registry Console for .IE staff, complete with an email communications package and a data export facility for invoicing. Deskpro has been integrated for ticket processing and provides a community hub feature for Registrars to request feature changes. These systems represent a significant financial and operational commitment by the Company to its Registrar customers. WHOIS directory Technical Services operates and manages the WHOIS directory, an online lookup service which provides valuable information on every .ie domain name. This service is provided free of charge on our website, . It is important to note that we do not show an individual’s personal information, in accordance with GDPR principles and requirements. WHOIS access is controlled with daily limits and fair usage policies apply. The usefulness of the WHOIS service has been extended in the public interest, to include a contact address for reporting abuse using a .ie domain name. Internet security and standards We adhere to RFCs which document the official Internet specifications, communications protocols and procedures published by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), an open international community of network designers, operators, vendors, and researchers concerned with the evolution of the Internet architecture and the smooth operation of the Internet. Business Review IE Domain Registry CLG t/a .IE / Annual Report & Review 2023 18