
Financial Statements Useful Lives of Tangible and Intangible Fixed Assets Long-lived assets comprising primarily of property, plant and machinery and intangible assets do not represent a significant portion of total assets. The annual depreciation and amortisation charge depends primarily on the estimated lives of each type of asset and, in certain circumstances, estimates of residual values. The directors regularly review these useful lives and change them if necessary to reflect current conditions. In determining these useful lives management consider technological change, patterns of consumption, physical condition and expected economic utilisation of the assets. Changes in the useful lives can have a significant impact on the depreciation and amortisation charge for the financial year. The net book value of tangible Fixed Assets subject to depreciation at the financial year end date was €431,376 (2022 – €394,310). The net book value of intangible assets subject to amortisation at the financial year end date was €35,111 (2022 – €70,221). 3. Turnover 2023 2022 € € Turnover 4,213,117 4,307,836 Analysis of turnover by country of destination: Republic of Ireland 3,755,346 3,873,518 Europe 208,747 195,196 North America 171,497 165,655 United Kingdom 64,313 60,922 Rest of the World 13,214 12,545 4,213,117 4,307,836 4. Operating profit 2023 2022 € € The operating profit is arrived at after charging: Amortisation 35,110 35,110 Depreciation 133,175 151,898 Auditors’ remuneration - Audit 20,500 15,200 - Tax advisory services 2,150 10,445 Directors’ remuneration 112,500 112,500 Pension costs 84,109 80,833 Operating lease charges 163,076 163,076 IE Domain Registry CLG t/a .IE / Annual Report & Review 2023 41