
Financial Statements 12. Debtors: amounts falling due within one year 2023 2022 Note € € Prepayments and accrued income 312,779 281,267 Corporation Tax recoverable 68,163 - Deferred Tax 15 - 16,283 380,942 297,550 13. Analysis of changes in cash at bank Opening balance Cash flow Closing balance € € € Current accounts 655,574 (51,132) 604,442 Deposit accounts 2,120,420 (1,516,407) 604,013 Cash at bank 2,775,994 (1,567,539) 1,208,455 14. Creditors: amounts falling due within one year 2023 2022 Note € € Trade creditors (a) 194,444 90,466 Customer advance deposits accounts 505,670 499,847 Other creditors 27,849 26,833 Corporation tax payable - 107,708 Other taxes and social security costs 20,162 2,405 Accruals (b) 278,037 303,081 Deferred income (c) 3,052,106 2,985,676 4,078,268 4,016,016 Other taxes and social security costs include: € € VAT 20,162 2,405 20,162 2,405 14(a).  The payment terms of trade creditors vary between on demand and ninety days. No interest is payable on trade creditors. Tax and social insurance are subject to the terms of the relevant legislation. Interest accrues on late payment at the rate of 0.0219% for each day or part of a day for which payment is overdue. No interest was due at the financial year end date. 14(b).  The terms of the accruals are based on the underlying contracts. Other amounts included within creditors not covered by specific note disclosures are unsecured, interest free and repayable on demand. 14(c).  The accounting policy for deferred income is outlined in Note 2.3. IE Domain Registry CLG t/a .IE / Annual Report & Review 2023 47