
Financial Statements 15. Provisions for liabilities Other provisions Deferred Tax Total € € € At 1 January 2023 63,203 (16,283) 46,920 Utilised during the year - - - Charged in the year 100,000 181,359 281,359 At 31 December 2023 163,203 165,076 328,279 Other provisions Deferred Tax Total € € € At 1 January 2022 63,203 167,524 230,727 Utilised during the year - - - Charged in the year - (183,807) (183,807) At 31 December 2022 63,203 (16,283) 46,920 15(a).  The deferred tax charge/(credit) relates to the origination/(reversal) of timing differences that arise between the recognition of unrealised gains and losses between the cost and MTM valuation of investments during the year. 15(b).  Other provisions include funds for worthy internet causes of €63,203, which are to be approved for disbursal in due course by the Board. It also includes a provision for €100,000, being the total amount committed to a Cyber Assistance fund. This fund which will assist Registrars with the implementation costs of new Cyber Regulations over the coming year. It is expected that both of these funds will be disbursed within 12 months of the year end. 16. Guarantee Parent Company Guarantee On 18 December 2006, the company’s subsidiary IENUM Limited signed an agreement with the Commission for Communications Regulation (ComReg) to provide the national ENUM registry service for Ireland. At 31 December 2023, the company is the sole Guarantor of the obligations of its dormant subsidiary IENUM Limited. 17. Commitments Operating lease commitments Total future minimum lease payments under non-cancellable operating leases are calculated at €210,882 (2022 – €373,958), payable as follows: Premises Premises 2023 2022 € € Within one year 163,076 163,076 Between two and five years 47,806 210,882 More than five years - - 210,882 373,958 These figures represent total future minimum lease payments up to the break clause in the lease agreement. Notes to the Financial Statements (continued) IE Domain Registry CLG t/a .IE / Annual Report & Review 2023 48